An attractive landscape has aesthetic value because it adds beauty or is pleasing to the senses. The visual beauty of your home and property can be enhanced through creative landscaping, while undesirable features can be minimized. Landscape design is the art of developing a property for its greatest use and enjoyment. Effective landscaping is also a science because it involves understanding the environment around your home and selecting plants that perform well in that environment. In any case, a well-conceived, properly installed and well-maintained landscaping design adds value to your property and improves the quality of your life.

Whether you’re building a new home or renovating a house you’ve called home for decades, landscape design is a key part of the process. After all, you’re not just working on a structure. It is an investment and deserves a great environment, a lush, green setting that highlights the work you have done. As with any home project, the better you understand landscaping construction in West Palm Beach, the better you will be able to choose the right landscape contractor and avoid potential pitfalls in the process.

The plan for a new landscape for your home

Building a landscape for your new home begins the same way you started your house, with a design plan, either in the front or on the patio of the house. The sooner we are involved in the project, the better. Essentially, your landscape design is the blueprint for increasing the aesthetic, economic, functional, and environmental value of your property. The plan is a guide or model for using plants to make that scheme come to life on Earth.

True landscape design involves much more than simply buying a pretty-looking plant and sticking it into the ground. Design requires careful thought and learning how trees, shrubs, and building materials can be used to develop a long-term plan for your property. If this seems like a lot of work, you’re right. Your level of commitment to the task determines the approach you decide to take when developing a landscape design for your property.

New Landscaping Installation – The Process

Homeowners or property managers can get a general idea of their property’s landscaping possibilities and what they would like to achieve with the project, such as the homeowners’ desire to be more outdoors or make an entryway. Landscape development involves understanding, designing, and creating landscape features that result in a unique project that reflects the owner’s preferences and the function of the site.

Once the project has been defined, the design agreed upon, and the contract signed, the details of the project are laid out so the owner knows what to expect. While protecting and preserving existing features, we begin site preparation with demolition and reworked grading to manage the environmental aspect of the site. We prepare areas for the installation of gardens, from patios and corridors to fountains, fire protection elements, and terraces. As the project develops, we pay close attention to detail and soften harsh landscapes with plantings and landscape lighting. At Lopez Landscaping and Design we are perfectionists in our work and we want to make sure it is perfect down to the last detail. Lopez Landscaping & Design is a professional landscape design plan that allows you to tackle the project in an orderly process in Palm Beach County.

Hire a Professional to Design and Install

If you are looking to have a professional do the installation, having Lopez Landscaping & Design in West Palm Beach, FL landscape design plan services can save you time and money. Our experienced staff can help guide you through the process to your dream landscape. Give us a call and set up an appointment today.